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September 05 2019

Winners of Rosemère in Bloom unveiled

The names of the winners of the 2019 Rosemère in Bloom competition were announced last night at Rosemère Town Hall.

“The challenge of the competition, now in its 31styear, for both residents and the Town, is to keep this treasured local tradition flourishing. From one year to the next, Rosemerites have been getting more creative and resourceful in how they design their yards and gardens. A healthy spirit of competition has emerged among participants and even within the neighbourhood,” Mayor Eric Westram was proud to say at the awards ceremony. “I’d like to acknowledge the homeowners and merchants who are helping to beautify our town and improve quality of life in our community by taking part in this competition. And our congratulations go out to all of this year’s winners and participants.”

Once again this year, all Rosemère homes were automatically entered into the residential categories of the competition (Front in Bloom, Cosy Corner, Native Garden and Contemporary Garden) and all businesses were entered into the commercial category. The Tree and Street in Bloom categories were also automatically open to all homes and businesses. Participants could then enter their names for free to compete in three specialized categories: Environmental Action, Vegetable Garden and Backyard. Two new subcategories were also added this year: Multi-Unit Dwellings in the Vegetable Garden category and Properties 4,999Square Feet and Under in the Backyard category.

The winning homeowners in the open residential categories are:

Front in Bloom: 355 Golfridge Street
Cosy Corner: 235 Hertel Street
Native Garden: 208 Tallwood Street
Contemporary Garden: 301 Northcote Street

Majestic Tree:
176 Maria Street (black walnut)

Honourable Mention – Urban forest: 261 Rosemère Street
Outstanding urban forest diversification effort, incorporating dozens of different species of trees into the landscaping plan.

The winning businesses in the open commercial categories are:

Labelle Boulevard: Salons funéraires Guay, 418 Curé-Labelle Boulevard
Grande-Côte and other: Industries Isocan, 461 Grande-Côte Road

The winners in the specialized categories are:

Vegetable Garden (Single-Family Dwelling): 273 De La Clairière Street
Vegetable Garden (Multi-Unit Dwelling): 56 Bouthillier Street (seniors’ residence).

Honourable Mention – Harmonious integration of edible plants into front yard landscaping: 37Clervaux Street

Environmental Action:
Rosemère resident Mireille Ladouceur teaches at Val-des-Ormes School and is in charge of the school’s green committee. This prize is for her commitment to imparting her environmental values to her students. She has set up various recycling and composting projects and a teaching garden.

Properties 4,999 Square Feet and Under: 532 Des Alises Street
Properties 5,000 to 9,999 Square Feet: 472 De L’Érablière Street
Properties 10,000 to 19,999 Square Feet: 266 Rosemère Street
Properties 20,000 Square Feet and Over: 492 De L’Érablière Street

Honorary Mention – Cosy backyard corner: 346 Vallon Street

The winners in the Street in Bloom category per sector are:

Sector 1: Willowtree Street
Sector 2: York Street
Sector 3: Rosemère Street
Sector 4: Avalon Street
Sector 5: Des Charentes Street
Sector 6: Jack-Rice Street

Every summer, some 20volunteer judges roam the streets of Rosemère to assess the landscaping of various properties and determine the competition winners. Mayor Westram expressed his heartfelt thanks to all those who agreed to take on these important duties in 2019.

20thAnnual Secret Gardens Tour: Satisfied Visitors

The 20thannual Secret Gardens Tour took place over the weekend of July13 and14, instead of a single day as in past years. Larry Hodgson, a popular columnist specializing in environmental horticulture, served as the event’s honorary chair. He visited a number of gardens over the two-day event, meeting with visitors and providing useful gardening tips.

Local residents and guests from other communities were once again in awe of the composition and originality of the horticultural treasures found on private properties throughout the town. Mayor Westram took the opportunity to thank homeowners for welcoming visitors with open arms and letting them enjoy their beautiful gardens.

Over the course of the weekend, $5,330 was raised through the proceeds of ticket sales to support Les Petits Plaisirs, a community organization that provides respite care to local families with a disabled child as well as select services essential to their quality of life.

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What’s happening

  • Honoured Citizen
  • Water meter reading - 2025
  • Slowing down, sharing the road and thinking of others, it feels good!
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Strategic plan