How to read your water meter
You will receive a written notice with your 2025 tax bill about your water meter reading. That will be the time to submit your reading to the Town.
The self-reporting period runs from January 31 through March 5, 2025.
Most water meters are located in the basement, near where the water service enters the property. To take the reading, flip open the cover on the meter face (if there is a cover) and record all the numbers you see.
If you fail to submit your reading by the deadline, a non-refundable penalty will be applied in accordance with section 6.5 of By-Law 970.
How to submit your reading
To submit your reading, complete the online form.
This is a quick, easy and eco-friendly way of sending us your information.
Deadline: March 5, 2025
New instructional video
A video containing step-by-step instructions on how to electronically submit your water meter readings is online.
In order to upload your reading via the web platform, you will need to enter your address or registration number. This information appears on your annual tax bill.
If your reading is not submitted by the deadline, you will be charged a non-refundable fine in accordance with By-law 970, section 6.5.
You can also refer to the written instructions on submitting your water meter reading, available here.
Here are two examples of water meter readings:
Once you submit the online form with your information, an automated confirmation of receipt will be sent to the email address provided in the identification section of the form.
excess water consumption charge
Pursuant to By-law 994 concerning the imposition of tax rates and the pricing of various municipal services for the year 2025, the base consumptions used for the purposes of the 2025 billing of excess water consumption are as follows:
The first... | Rate |
40,000 IG | $179 $ (base rate) |
48 038 U.S G | $179 (base rate) |
181,8 c.m. | $179 (base rate) |
Excess of ... | Rate |
40 000 IG | $5.22 per 1,000 imperial gallons |
48 038 U.S G | $4.35 per 1,000 american gallons |
181,8 c.m. | $1.1483 per cubic metre |
The excess will be billed on the total water consumption reduced by the number of dwellings or premises times 40,000 imperative gallons, 48,038 U.S. gallons or 181.8 cubic metres, which represents the base rate.
Factors that impact water consumption
Homeowners should be aware that several water-guzzling systems and fixtures can have a major impact on overall consumption. These can include:
- Leaking toilets
- Dripping faucets
- Outdoor watering/irrigation systems
- Automatic pool water levellers
Remember — Being water-wise starts with you!
Please make an appointment with the Finance Department via our appointment platform.
(Select the “GO” tab on the right of the page to be redirected to the appointment platform.)