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Mandatory training in ethics and professional conduct

In accordance with the law, the following elected officials have completed their mandatory training:

Elected officialsTraining followedDateOffered by a recognized organization
Eric WestramResituate one's role and responsibilities - Ethics and professional conduct of re-elected officials
February 9, 2022UMQ
Marie-Elaine Pitre(Ethics and Professional Conduct) Resituate your role and responsibilities in the municipal environment
January 19, 2022UMQ
(Ethics and Professional Conduct) Resituate your role and responsibilities in the municipal environment
June 19, 2024UMQ
Stéphanie NantelResituate one's role and responsibilities - Ethics and professional conduct of re-elected officialsJanuary 19, 2022UMQ
René VilleneuveResituate one's role and responsibilities - Ethics and professional conduct of re-elected officialsJanuary 11, 2022UMQ
Resituate one's role and responsibilities - Ethics and professional conduct of re-elected officialsNovember 16, 2023UMQ
Philip Panet-RaymondResituate one's role and responsibilities - Ethics and professional conduct of re-elected officialsFebruary 1, 2022UMQ

What’s happening

  • Honoured Citizen
  • Water meter reading - 2025
  • Slowing down, sharing the road and thinking of others, it feels good!
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Strategic plan