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Town Clerk

Contact Information

Town Clerk

Justine Asselin, director
Send an email

Alexandre Bélisle-Desjardins, Town Clerk
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Town Hall
100 Charbonneau Street
Rosemère, Québec J7A 3W1
450 621-3500, ext. 1241

Municipal Services
Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to noon

Reception Desk Schedule
Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to noon


Arising from legal obligations dictating municipal conduct, the Registry Division’s mission is legal in nature. It consists in ensuring the application of laws, procedures and policies, notably as they relate to the management of the Town, elections and referendums, municipal taxation, access to documents and personal information and finally, to the development of the territory and urban planning.

At your service

The town clerk is assisted in his duties by an assistant town clerk, a secretary as well as an archivist.

Fields of intervention

Given the nature of its mandates, the Registry Division interacts with both citizens and members of the municipal organization.

Its mandates relate to:

  • information and recommendations to the Municipal Council on all aspects related to municipal services: meetings of the Council
  • municipal elections and referendums
  • official documents such as public notices, official notices, municipal by-laws, agreements and contracts
  • legal counsel to the entire organization
  • the municipality’s legal files
  • claims against the Town
  • access to information and protection of personal information
  • archives
  • sales for taxes and auctions.

access to information

The Town of Rosemère is subject to the Act Respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information (RLRQ, c. A-2.1).

The two general principles of the Act are that:
  • Every person is entitled to access to the documents held by a public body, except as stipulated in the Act.
  • All personal information held by a public body is considered to be confidential, except as stipulated in the Act. 

Note that the information on this page has no legal or official value. Its aim is simply to provide a summary of the basic legal provisions concerning access to the documents held by the Town of Rosemère. 

requesting access to information

The responsibility for responding to access to information requests submitted to the Town of Rosemère falls to the Registry Division. The corresponding contact information can be found on the left-hand side of the screen.

Access to information requests must be submitted in writing, either on paper or electronically (greffe@ville.rosemere.qc.ca). The request must include:

  • The name and contact information of the person making the request
  • The name of the organization or company, if applicable 
  • The subject of the request 
  • A specific description of the requested document (including the title and date, if applicable) 
  • The desired method of consultation (either by examining the document at the Town Hall or by requesting a copy)
  • Any other relevant information (e.g., a proxy form if the request is being made on behalf of someone else). 

Note that any access granted is limited to the document itself and does not extend to any additional information or explanations. 

documents containing personal information

If the requested document contains personal information, the person making the request must provide a copy of one piece of government-issued ID containing their picture and signature, such as a: 
  • Health insurance card
  • Driver’s licence
  • Passport.

Access to a document is free, but certain fees may be applicable under the Regulation respecting fees for the transcription, reproduction or transmission of documents or personal information. (c. A-2.1, r. 3).

What’s happening

  • Egg Hunt 2025
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Automated Call Service
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation