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September 07 2018

Rosemère in Bloom competition - The grand winners of the 2018 edition have been revealed

ROSEMÈRE, September 5, 2018 – The Rosemère Town Hall was the site of today’s unveiling of the grand winners of the 2018 edition of the Rosemère in Bloom competition, an annual tradition now celebrating its 30th anniversary.

“In Rosemère, horticultural and landscaping beautification is a long-standing commitment by the Town as well as the entire community. This year again, residents and merchants alike displayed considerable ingenuity and creativity in beautifying their lawns and showcasing the splendours of their front and backyards. Our heartfelt congratulations to the winners and participants of this competition’s 2018 edition,” proudly stated mayor Eric Westram.

Like every year, all Rosemère properties were automatically entered in the Rosemère in Bloom competition’s Residential (Front in Bloom, Cosy Corner, Native Garden and Contemporary Garden), Commercial, Tree (Majestic, Unique), and Street in Bloom categories. Participants could also register free of charge in the following specialized categories: Environmental Action, Vegetable Garden and Backyard.

The grand winners in the general categories, all sectors combined, are:

Front in Bloom: 264 De Rosemère

Cosy Corner: 492 De l’Érablière

Native Garden: 268 De Rosemère

Contemporary Garden: 149 De l’Île-Ducharme

Majestic Tree: 258 Fairfield

Unique Tree: 460 Parkview

In the competition’s Commercial facet, the grand winners of the Front in Bloom category are:

In the Labelle Blvd. sector: Frank et Sullivan, 269 Labelle Blvd.

In the Grande-Côte and others sector: Industries Isocan inc., 461 Grande-Côte

Grand winners in the specialized categories:

Environmental Action: Mrs. Jeanine Landry, 56 Bouthillier; and 306 Westward

Vegetable Garden: 228 Couture

Backyard, 0 to 9,999 ft.2: 231 André-Gilles-Lauzon

Backyard, 10,000 to 19,000 ft.2: 296 Rose-Alma; and 391 De la Fauvette

Backyard, over 20,000 ft.2: 492 De l’Érablière

In addition, in each sector, the following were recognized as a Street in Bloom:

Sector 1: Du Jardin-des-Tourelles Street

Sector 2: Corona Street

Sector 3: Des Plaines Street

Sector 4: Pinkerton Street

Sector 5: Côte-du-Rhône Street

Sector 6: Jack-Rice Street

Special mention

A special mention for a Backyard Shade Garden was awarded to Peggy and Victor Gruman, who have lived at 355 Montcalm Street for 60 years, that is, since Rosemère, which celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2018, first became a town.

Every summer, volunteer judges crisscross our territory to evaluate landscaping arrangements and select the grand winners. Mayor Westram thanked the twenty or so individuals who carried out this daunting task in 2018, ensuring the credibility of the competition within the community.

It should be noted that this year, the Secret Gardens Tour — the second component of the Rosemère in Bloom competition and another horticultural tradition strongly rooted in the community — marked its 19th edition. Residents and visitors from far and wide were once again enthralled by the horticultural gems showcased in ten or so private Rosemère gardens. So many unique and mesmerizing arrangements! Mayor Westram took the opportunity to thank the property owners who generously opened their gardens to visitors.

This event allowed the Town of Rosemère to donate $2,500 — the proceeds from ticket sales— to Les Petits Plaisirs, a respite care organization whose mission is to help the region’s families with a disabled child by providing certain services essential to their quality of life.

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