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May 10 2018

Rosemère Gives its Approval to Raising Urban Hens

Following the success of its pilot project that ended last March, the Town of Rosemère has just adopted a bylaw authorizing residents to raise urban hens and indicating the conditions. In particular, this bylaw allows each owner of an existing single-family home, with a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet, to have a maximum of three laying (egg-producing) hens, which must come from certified hatcheries or stores selling certified or vaccinated hens.

"This new bylaw is in line with the ecological movement supporting local agriculture. In fact, it was in response to residents' requests and our own examination of existing urban henhouses that we set up the pilot project last year. Raising hens in an urban environment enables residents to recreate a country-like space in their own backyard, eat fresh eggs and teach children how to take care of farm animals. Nevertheless, this implies a certain amount of watchfulness on the part of residents who try it, with regard to the sanitation of the premises, the well-being of the hens and respect for the neighbourhood," stressed Eric Westram, Mayor of Rosemère.

Only one henhouse is permitted per lot, to which must be added an outdoor enclosure surrounded by wire mesh to prevent the hens from getting out. Moreover, the facilities must be kept clean to avoid the presence of parasites and odours, be well ventilated and provide suitable living space.

The hens must be kept inside the henhouse between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Not only is it prohibited to keep a rooster, in order to ensure peace and quiet in the neighbourhood, but also to sell eggs or any products derived from such hens.

The bylaw therefore contains clear guidelines regarding the type of authorized property, raising hens, the construction of the henhouse and enclosure, maintenance, hygiene and nuisance of the premises, diseases and slaughtering of birds, the required permit and discontinuation of the activity. Residents who would like to see the entire bylaw may contact Town Planning Departement.

To obtain a building permit for the henhouse and its enclosure, authorized owners must apply to Rosemère's Town Planning Department. The cost of the permit is $25.

Town Planning: 450 621-3500, ext. 1238

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