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September 19 2017

Town of Rosemère's Blood Donor Clinic

Residents are invited to the Town of Rosemère's blood donor clinic, which will be held on Friday, September29, 10a.m. – 8p.m., in the Sears Court (enter through Door4) of Place Rosemère, located at 401boulevard Labelle. The collection objective is 155 donors.

"I am inviting Rosemerites to give blood on September29. This small effort of great importance will help save lives," stated Rosemère Mayor Madeleine Leduc.

Every 80 seconds, someone needs blood in Québec. Every day, Héma-Québec needs at least 1,000 blood donations in order to meet all the requests from Québec's hospitals. The collective blood supply belongs to everyone. Regardless of where the blood is donated, it is processed and tested and then sent where the needs are... wherever it is necessary to help save lives.

Who can donate?

In general, everyone in good health and 18 years of age or over may give blood. However, blood donors who have been travelling are advised to check whether their destination is considered to be at risk for malaria, the Zika virus or other similar viruses. Before going to give blood, potential donors may check if they are eligible by phoning Hema-Québec's Donor Services at 1-800-343-7264, or online, on Héma-Québec's website (atwww.hema-quebec.qc.ca).

What’s happening

  • Honoured Citizen
  • Water meter reading - 2025
  • Slowing down, sharing the road and thinking of others, it feels good!
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Strategic plan