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July 08 2024

Rosemère, Lorraine, Sainte-Thérèse and Boisbriand kick off campaign to promote the safe use of electrical scooters

The administrations of Rosemère, Lorraine, Sainte-Thérèse and Boisbriand, jointly with the Régie intermunicipale de police Thérèse-De Blainville (RIPTB), have launched a public awareness campaign about the proper use of motorized personal transport devices (MPTDs), specifically electric scooters, which are currently experiencing a boom in popularity. The goal of this campaign is to encourage everyone to share the road respectfully and safely. By joining forces, the four municipalities will be embracing a consistent approach in their messages and visuals in order to better drive home the importance of responsible use and adherence to the rules. This is the first campaign in Quebec spearheaded at the local government level to address this topic. 

The campaign materials have been developed to connect with MPTD users aged 14 to 34 in a light-hearted way and encourage them to:

  • Wear a helmet at all times
  • Obey the 25 km/h speed limit
  • Ride on the side of the road, not on sidewalks.

Although the campaign will focus primarily on safe scootering, it will also remind all road users to be cautious and courteous. “Sharing the road safely is vital to keeping our communities vibrant and thriving,” said Christian Charron, Mayor of Sainte-Thérèse and Chair of the RIPTB Board of Directors. “That means everyone  cyclists, pedestrians, motorists and users of other forms of transportation — has to act responsibly. It’s up to all of us, in every community, to make safety a priority. That’s why it’s so critical for our towns and cities to work together to ensure a greater collective impact.”

MPTDs on Quebec roads 

The Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable launched a pilot project in July 2023 in response to the growing number of MPTDs on Quebec roads. Local law enforcement departments have had to adjust their patrol operations accordingly. 

“As police, we are committed to promoting road safety and compliance for all users,” said Karine Desaulniers, Inspector, Operations Support, RIPTB. “Our officers are familiar with the applicable offences and will be out on the streets to promote awareness, educate the public and crack down on illegal practices. We urge users of electric scooters and other forms of transportation to know and follow the rules of the road. Being responsible is the key to keeping everyone safe.”

Decisive measures are required to address the increasingly widespread use of MPTDs. These collaborative efforts between the four municipalities and the RIPTB are sure to help nip risky behaviours in the bud and impress upon the residents of Rosemère, Lorraine, Sainte-Thérèse and Boisbriand the need to observe the laws and regulations in place.

What’s happening

  • Honoured Citizen
  • Water meter reading - 2025
  • Slowing down, sharing the road and thinking of others, it feels good!
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Strategic plan