November 29 2016

Our citizens' clear choice

Rosemère, November 29, 2016 – In the wake of the public consultation on the zoning change requested by the Rosemère Golf Club, which included information sessions, a questionnaire distributed to all Rosemère households, as well as a survey conducted by the firm of Léger, the Town is pleased to confirm that 1,071 citizens were formally consulted on this topic.   

Given the high rate of participation and the clarity of the results, the Town announces that it will not be following up on the request for a zoning change on the strip of land occupied by the Rosemère Golf Club along Labelle Boulevard. In fact, most Rosemerites (68%) are opposed to increasing the number of storeys allowed for the construction of residential and commercial buildings on this piece of land to six. They also disagree (67%) with increasing its land-occupancy density (from 60 units per hectare to 100 units per hectare).   

"Our priority was to give our residents the final word. To this end, we made sure that they were properly informed on the project and that as many as possible could participate in the public consultation process. In fact, I would like to thank all Rosemerites who took part in this process and allowed us to record an unequalled level of participation. The 68% rate of opposition to the change left no doubt as to the decision that had to be taken. Democracy has spoken!” stated mayor Madeleine Leduc.    

"As a responsible administration, we are extending a hand to the Golf Club in order to come up with a solution that respects our residents’ wish to take into account aspects of sustainable development while preserving the Town’s country charm. Any solution will have to comply with the current by-law, which allows the construction of buildings no more than 4 storeys high on the strip of land along Labelle Boulevard. This green space represents without a doubt a wealth for the Rosemère community and, just like you, the Town wants to preserve it.”   

Furthermore, the Town will be taking measures to provide a better framework for its current by-law to ensure that it is consistent with comments expressed by its residents during the public consultation on issues such as traffic, noise, heat islands and the preservation of the natural environment, to name but a few.           

The results in a nutshell

  • 68% of citizens are opposed to increasing to 6 the number of storeys allowed on the piece of land occupied by the Golf Club. They are also opposed (67%) to an increase in the land-occupancy density.  
  • Only 16% of Rosemerites would favour the zoning change application as presented by the Rosemère Golf Club.  
  • Residents of the Town of Rosemère expressed satisfaction with the consultative process (74%) and the information communicated (69%) with regards to the zoning change application submitted by the Rosemère Golf Club.    

Consultative measures

Between October 31st and November 14, residents received and could complete and mail a bilingual information and consultation documents through which they could express their own opinion on the issue involved. This document included a questionnaire that was also available online, allowing them to make their opinion known. Public consultation sessions were then held on November 9 and 12, in the form of open houses allowing Rosemerites to come at the time most convenient to them, to meet and discuss the issue with the experts present. These experts manned booths on themes related to urban planning as well as legal, financial and technical aspects, and the business environment surrounding the golf industry.   

A telephone survey of 300 new respondents was then conducted between November 15 and 20, bringing the consultative process to a close.

To consult the report on the results of the consultation, click here

What’s happening

  • Garage Sales
  • Public Market
  • Rosemère in Bloom
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation