Now available - information evening videos
At the information evening on November 25, Mayor Eric Westram presented an update on the events surrounding Storm Debby. An expert from the consulting engineering firm JFSA then gave a conference on “Protecting your home against climatic hazards”.
The 2 videos are now available on our website, along with the speaker's presentation.
Reminder of the presentations:
Post-mortem of the torrential rains of August 9, 2024, presented by the mayor
The mayor goes back over the events, presenting the actions taken by the Town, as well as those it plans to put in place to prepare for other situations like the one experienced this summer.
Conference on “Protecting your residence against climatic hazards”
Hosted by Marcel Roy, technical advisor from JFSA, a firm of consulting engineers specialized in water resources and the environment, this conference presents best practices and effective protection methods (in compliance with the plumbing code) for residents to better protect their property in the event of torrential rains.