April 11 2017

Modernisation of street lighting

The Town of Rosemère announced the implementation of a pilot project leading to the modernization of public lighting as well as an online survey on this project. The goal of this modernization initiative is to reduce the consumption of electricity as well as light pollution, while increasing security on Rosemère streets.   
"This ecoenergetic shift in the lighting of our streets consists in converting the current high-pressure sodium (HPS) lighting to light-emitting diodes (LED) in order to make the most of the economical and ecological advantages provided by this technology. This decision reflects our desire to preserve the environment, maintain the Town’s sound financial position, and remain attuned to the wishes of our citizens,” stated Rosemère mayor Madeleine Leduc. 
After consulting the public health notice issued by the Regional Public Health Directorate of the Montréal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal), the Town of Rosemère opted for 3000K LED lighting as it presents no health risk for the population. This public health notice is available at http://www.dsp.santemontreal.qc.ca/. The 3000K LED lighting will provide greater visibility and safety on our streets. It is also a warmer type of lighting.   
This pilot project will be carried out on Bertrand and Blanchard streets. Conversion work in this sector started on April 4. 3000K LED luminaires with a 67-watt intensity were installed on Bertrand Street while luminaires on Blanchard Street will have a 41-watt intensity.   
The Town wishes to know what lighting intensity (67 or 41 watts) best meets the expectations of its residents, which is why citizens are asked to share their opinion on the Town’s website by clicking here to access to the survey, between April 10 and 30, 2017. The opinion of its citizens is important to the choice the Town will be making in this matter.   
In the wake of this consultation and based on results of this pilot project, the Town will proceed, in stages, to the conversion of all its street lighting. Should you have any questions, please contact the Technical Services and Public Works Department at 450-621-3500, ext. 3300. 

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Source: Town of Rosemère

What’s happening

  • Garage Sales
  • Public Market
  • Rosemère in Bloom
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation