MELCCFP consultation on water environments and flood-prone areas
The Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) recently submitted a brief to the government as part of the public consultation on the modernization of the regulatory framework concerning water environments and flood-prone areas. This document underscores the importance of taking into consideration flood-prone areas within Greater Montreal to reconcile risk management with the various realities specific to the metropolitan area.
The Town of Rosemère in agreement with the CMM’s position
During the town council meeting held on September 9, 2024, the Town of Rosemère adopted a resolution in support of the CMM brief calling for a reassessment of the proposals to modernize the regulatory framework put forward by the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP).
The Town thus calls on the government to consider existing flood control structures, clarify the application method for flood-prone areas as it relates to permit applications, and authorize the consolidation of already built-up lands or the reconstruction of buildings within the Rivière des Milles-Îles floodplain with improved flood-proofing measures.
“Climate change and its impacts are now part of our reality, and we will continue to feel those impacts in years to come. Quebec society, including its governments, municipalities and residents, must adapt quickly to mitigate the risks and consequences of climate change. The government must listen to municipalities to ensure that its project to update the regulatory framework respects the realities experienced on the ground,” said Mayor Eric Westram.
Participation in the consultation and preliminary maps of flood-prone areas
The MELCCFP is currently holding a public consultation, which will continue until October 17, 2024. Residents are invited to submit their comments, whether general or specific, concerning this all-important project. For further information concerning the public consultation, please view the MELCCFP website.
Additionally, the CMM has presented preliminary maps illustrating the potential impact of the government’s regulatory proposals on the municipalities concerned. The details and the maps are available here.
Residents who have questions concerning these maps are asked to contact the CMM at the following e-mail address: