Green Rosemère

Concerned for its environment and the quality of life of its residents, since 1975, the Town of Rosemère has developed a dozen parks as well as two school playgrounds.

Throughout the 80s, residential development and environmental quality were key. From 1981 to 1986, the population grew by 11.5%, and in the following five years, from 1986 to 1991, it soared by another 31.6%. During that time, public services evolved, the municipality adapted, and numerous volunteer organizations came into being. Today, Rosemère’s population exceeds 14,000.

In 1990, Rosemère’s country flavour was officially recognized: the Town earned first prize in two provincial competitions: "Ville verte" and "Ville fleurie". The Town also tabled a master plan for the development of its parks and green spaces. By-laws seeking to improve environmental protection were adopted. Rosemère was one of the first municipalities to control the use of pesticides. Composting, recycling, selective waste collection and many other measures were implemented. Rosemère also became an active partner in the RCM’s integrated waste mangement project.

In 1993, Rosemère once again won first prize in the provincial "Ville fleurie" competition and two Iris awards in the 1994 Excellence class. Over the years, Rosemère had naturally developed into a "greener" town. Nature-study trails were built, and urban structures as well as infrastructures were upgraded in keeping with today’s needs. The Police, Fire, and Public Works departments updated their equipment and facilities in response to the future needs of a population expected to grow to 15,000 some time soon.

In 1995, Rosemère won two gold Iris awards in the Excellence class of the "Villes, villages et campagnes fleuries du Quebec" competition. That same year, it was awarded first prize in the first national Communities in Bloom competition (5,001 to 30,000-inhabitant category) and received a special mention for the quality of its neighbourhood parks. In 1996, Rosemère earned three more gold Iris awards in the Excellence class and won second prize in the 10,000 to 25,000-inhabitant category at the international Nations in Bloom competition. In 1997, Rosemère won yet another three gold Iris awards in the Excellence class and four Blooms in the Communities in Bloom competition, Excellence class along with a special mention for its floral arrangements.

In 1998, Rosemère earned the Award of Excellence in landscape design in the 10,000-20,000 population category for the Bouthillier Marsh Bridge.

As well, for another consecutive year, Rosemère won three Irises in the "Villes, villages et Campagnes Fleuries du Québec" competition and four blooms in the Communities in Bloom competition. Rosemère further distinguished itself for its stewardship in environmental matters.

In February 2000, the Town of Rosemère was once again proclaimed winner of the 1999 "Fleurir le Québec" competition for municipalities with 10,000-20,000 inhabitants. It should be noted that the "Fleurir le Québec" competition replaces the former "Villes, villages et Campagnes Fleuries du Québec" competition.

In spite of urban development, Rosemère was able to preserve its rural character by designating large areas of woodlands as green spaces, thus offering its residents an exceptional quality of life. In the Canadian Communities in Bloom competition, the jury not only awarded Rosemère first prize — five blooms — but also made special mention of the Town’s outstanding environmental efforts, in particular composting. Rosemère was ranked in the Excellence category reserved for municipalities that have won previous editions of the competition.

Fonds des municipalités pour la biodiversité (2020)

In 2020, Rosemère was pleased to announce its contribution to the Fonds des municipalités pour la biodiversité (Fonds MB), an initiative of the Québec chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS Québec) and the Fondation de la faune du Québec. With this commitment, the Town took, once again, concrete action to fight climate change and the loss of biodiversity on its territory.

By participating in the Fund, the Town has pledged to contribute the equivalent of $1 per household per year to the Fund. This amount will be increased 100% through the contribution of Québec's Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques. The amounts deposited in the Fund are therefore cumulative and reserved for small or medium-size territory conservation projects or wildlife habitat protection projects that will be carried out in Rosemère.

For more details:

What’s happening

  • Garage Sales
  • Public Market
  • Rosemère in Bloom
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation