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A Little Green Gesture Contest


On June 12, 2021, the Town of Rosemère will launch the second edition of its Forum on the Environment; a free, 100% virtual family event! This forum, which was a great success during its first edition in 2020, is an initiative of the Town of Rosemère’s Civic Committee on the Environment (CCE).

About the Civic Committee on the Environment (CCE) 

In connection with its strategic vision, “Rosemère, a proud, green and prosperous town,” the Town set up this advisory committee in June 2019. CCE members are Robert Farand, Claude Jourdain, Alain Dessureault, Jasmine Lail and Émilie Lapalme-Gendron, five community member volunteers who have significant expertise in environmental and sustainable development matters, along with mayor Eric Westram and councillors Marie-Hélène Fortin and René Villeneuve. The main role of the committee is to develop and promote the Town’s green vision.

The event will address topics as varied as an introduction to permaculture, recycling, food waste, pollinators, and wildlife as seen through the fascinating life of the Canadian beaver. Through three live web conferences and two pre-recorded conferences ranging from 45 to 90 minutes each, participants of all ages will have the opportunity to learn more about these environmental topics, depending on their interest.

On June 12, please login here

# zoom conference: 924 6044 2179
Password: 093162

2021 Program

Welcome - presentation of the Rosemère’s Civic Committee on the Environment (CCE) - various announcements | 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. | Web conference

The members of the Town of Rosemère’s Civic Committee on the Environment (CCE) are excited to launch this second edition of the Environmental Forum. Learn more about upcoming environmental projects and achievements. Launch of the "This summer, adopt three eco-responsible habits" challenge.

Permaculture | 10:00 a.m. | Duration 90 minutes | Live web-conference and interactive workshop 

Conference in French, answer to questions - bilingual

Speaker: Geneviève Dubuc of Services conseils Enviro-Nature, on behalf of the Société d'horticulture et d'écologie de Rosemère (SHER)

Geneviève Dubuc grew up in Rosemère. She then completed a course in Bioecology Techniques and a Bachelor's degree in Natural and Developed Environments in order to better understand the interactions between human and nature. In addition, she has cumulated various professional experiences in the natural environment and has started her own business, Services Conseils Enviro-Nature, in this field. For the past few years, she has been perfecting her knowledge of permaculture with a field in Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard.

During this live web-conference, she will demystify permaculture and answer your questions.

Interactive workshop: land drawing and needs

Zero Food Waste | 11:30 a.m. | Duration 90 minutes | Live Participatory Webinar 

Conference in French, answers to questions - bilingual

Speaker: Florence-Léa Siry of Chic Frigo sans Fric

One could say that zero waste cooking chose Florence-Léa Siry when she was a caterer. It is by learning to cook better that she became aware of the environment. It must be said that she did not expect it, because since her childhood, she did everything to avoid looking like her mother, a real environmental activist! It was by inventing recipes that she understood the importance of taking care of the planet. Now an author and speaker, she demonstrates that giving 1, 2, 3 lives to surplus food is a daily pleasure.

On the Trail of the Beaver | 1:00 p.m. | Duration 45 minutes | Live participatory family web-conference (5 to 8 years) 

Conference in French, answers to questions - bilingual

Speaker: Sébastien Bordage, from Éco-Nature

Discover the fascinating life of the Canadian beaver! Whether through native mythology, the history of the fur trade or the transformations in its natural habitat, this large rodent plays a unique role.

This educational activity allows you to learn more about the physiognomy of a mammal, its way of life and to understand why humans have been interested in this animal since prehistoric times. In the company of an animator, use your engineering skills and try to guess how to recreate the beaver's structure to understand its impact on the environment.

Indigenous Pollinators | Anytime: Webcast | Duration 45 minutes

Conference in French

Speaker: Simon-Julien Lacroix, from Alvéole (Alvéole is the organization that looks after the Hamilton House beehives)

Agriculturist, oenologist, philosopher and cycling enthusiast, Simon-Julien Lacroix had the chance to wear many hats and realize many dreams before becoming a beekeeper at Alvéole. He is eager to share his passion and his humble knowledge with those who cross my path. He always has a good story to tell!

Bees are the workers behind a third of the food on our plates, such as fruits, vegetables, chocolate, nuts and coffee. In this lecture-style workshop, you will learn about urban beekeeping and the little society that is a hive, and follow the story of a bee's life from the moment it emerges from its cell to its very last flight.

View the conference by clicking here.

Everything you need to know about recycling containers, printed labels and packaging | Anytime : Webcast | Duration 45 minutes

Conference in French

Speaker: Grégory Pratte from Tricentris.

Communicator and educator, Grégory Pratte has fifteen years of experience in the wonderful world of the environment.

Responsible for public affairs at Tricentris, he also acts as content creator and moderator on the various social media platforms of the largest sorting center in Quebec. Very present in the traditional media, whether in newspapers, radio or television, he is often invited on different forums to express himself on the state of recovery and recycling in Quebec.

His objective is to raise awareness and help Quebec citizens to put respect in their bins, the goal being to recuperate properly so that the material is recycled even better.

View the conference by clicking here.

 Navigating aquatic life. Playground or living environment? | Duration 40 minutes | Anytime : Webcast 

Conference in French

Speaker: Denise Cloutier, of C.I.EAU organization

Learn how to navigate responsibly on our lakes and rivers with the right boat in the right place thanks to this videoconference hosted by Denise Cloutier, Executive Director of the Centre d'interprétation de l'eau (C.I.EAU). Involved in the water cause for many years, Denise Cloutier is also president of COBAMIL and sits on the boards of directors of the Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec (ROBVQ) and the Coalition pour une navigation responsable et durable.

View the conference by cliking here.

Learn more: https://cieau.org/

Here are also links to several additional resources that may be of interest to you:

Pensez bleu national campaign and its capsules:: https://pensezbleu.com/

Blog C.I.EAU : https://cieau.org/actualites

Our social networks and our newsletter where we regularly publish new content and share news on water:


The event is free. 


Your electronic ticket will contain a web link for Zoom conferences logging in.

What is Zoom?

Zoom is a remote conferencing platform. You can download the Zoom app on your phone, tablet or computer prior to the event to speed up the login process.

Computer: https://zoom.us/download

Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/zoom-cloud-meetings/id546505307

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings&hl=en_CA

What’s happening

  • Honoured Citizen
  • Water meter reading - 2025
  • Slowing down, sharing the road and thinking of others, it feels good!
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Strategic plan