First budget of mayor Eric Westram’s administration

Humane, Sustainable and Responsible management
Eric Westram, mayor of Rosemère, presented the 2018 budgetary forecasts, which were adopted by the municipal council at the special meeting of December 18. This $30 511 700 $, operating budget is up 1.3% over the 2017 budget (inflation projected to be 1.8% in 2018). In keeping with the Westram administration’s commitments, the 2018 budget calls for a freeze of the taxpayers’ burden.
“We are proud of presenting our administration’s first budget, which respects our commitments. The theme of this budget: Humane, sustainable and Responsible management, translates our vision, which is to ensure the sustainability, prosperity and economic development of Rosemère through its sound, responsible and transparent management,” stated the mayor.
In order to minimize the impact of the new evaluation roll that will go into effect on January 1st, the Westram administration has lowered the tax rate to $0.5188 and staggered the variation in taxable values over three years. In the case of Rosemère’s average single-family home, there will be little or no change in the 2018 tax bill. Given the new three-year real estate evaluation roll, 55% of residential property owners will see a freeze or drop in their tax bill while the other 45% see their tax bill adjusted upward. It should be noted that the town’s revenues from taxation are identical to those of 2017.
In the non-residential sector, 59% of property owners will benefit from a freeze or drop in their tax bill while 41% will see an increase resulting from their new real estate evaluation.
Other budgetary measures
The age of eligibility for the seniors grant has dropped to 65 from 67 while the amount of the grant has been doubled, increasing from $50 to $100 for property owners.
Furthermore, the 2018 budget calls for a freeze in the residual waste rate. In addition, reflecting concern for the sound management of drinking water, which is an invaluable resource, the water rate has been modified to favour its conservation. The basic rate remains unchanged at $175 while consumption exceeding 40,000 gallons a year will be charged at $4.37/1,000 gallons.
Planned investments
The 2018 budget will allow mayor Eric Westram’s administration to invest some $9 million in infrastructures (sewers and waterworks) and close to $1 million ($972,800) in parks and playgrounds. Moreover, investments in the amount of $1.7 million are planned for the road system. Finally, the town’s budget calls for investments in the order of $14.5 million in the quality of life of Rosemerites.
“Our first budget will allow Rosemère to strengthen its enviable position on the municipal scene thanks to low real estate taxes, a debt ratio significantly lower than that of the average municipality and a most attractive level of real estate wealth. Working with the residents of our community, we will make Rosemère a proud, green and prosperous town,” concluded Eric Westram.