Express yourself on the distribution of your municipal magazine
The Town of Rosemère invites all of its citizens to complete the survey related to the distribution of its municipal magazine, Rosemère News.
The Rosemère News is an invaluable communication tool referred to by a large number of Rosemerites. Since Rosemère is a green town that has made environmental protection a key concern, a few years ago, we opted for the use of 100% recycled paper. In order to preserve our environmental values, the time has come to rethink the distribution of this news organ as well.
You are undoubtedly aware that the Publisacs have been in the news in recent months. The fact is that our municipal news bulletin is distributed with the Publisac. At a time when the overconsumption of plastic and paper warrants constant finger pointing, the Town, which is highly ecologically aware, is now questioning its news bulletin’s mode of distribution.
You can access the survey by clicking here. Note that it will be online throughout the month of August. But fear not! The purpose of this survey is not to abolish this publication but to come up with effective and ecological distribution solutions in keeping with our budget. Your ideas are welcome!
Note that hard copies of this survey are available upon request at Town Hall and the library.