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Environmental Policy

The Town of Rosemère has traditionally taken a leadership role in the area of environmental protection. It holds an enviable position with regards to the protection of its natural environment and boasts a recycling rate that ranks among the best in the RCM. What’s more, it has always made its living environment the focus of its interventions. Once farmland, the generations that preceded us succeeded in developing Rosemère while preserving large lots on which they planted many trees of different varieties, giving our territory a country flavour that contributes significantly to a quality of life valued by its citizens and to its fine reputation. Still today, Rosemerites and the municipal administration work together to preserve this outstanding living environment.

Starting point for the environmental policy

In the 2003 report, Environment Quality in Canadian Cities: The Federal Role by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, it was unfortunately noted that the performance of cities in terms of environmental improvement left much to be desired.

In fact, according to this report, most of the key indicators reveal negative trends: the use of automobiles is still on the rise while the use of public transit continues to drop and cities make increasingly less efficient use of their land. Ozone concentrations at ground level — which can trigger a series of public health problems — are also on the rise. Urban centres contribute considerably to greenhouse gas emissions and their expansion is likely to encroach on highly productive agricultural land as well as on eco-sensitive land. These are problems that the Town of Rosemère cannot ignore, as they are its problems as well.

Environmental Policy

In 2005, Rosemère adopted an environmental policy whose guidelines and actions seek to meet national objectives with regards to the recycling of residual waste, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the protection and revitalization of soil, natural spaces and our wooded heritage, the supply and judicious use of quality drinking water. The implementation of such a policy helps make environmental protection one of the key factors in the municipality’s decision-making and demonstrates its intention to adopt measures consistent with the local situation.

Table of contents

See the policy on the left-hand side of this page, under Download.

  • Foreword
  • The Town of Rosemère
  • Population
  • Territory
  • Current situation
  • Challenges
  • Mission
  • Orientations
  • Frame of reference
  • Possible measures
    • Contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
    • Protect and revitalize the soil, natural spaces and our wooded heritage
    • Provide quality drinking water and promote its judicious use
  • Appendix I – Current by-laws and initiatives
    • Pesticides
    • Residual matter
    • Transportation and urban planning
    • Hazardous waste and contaminated soil
    • Water
    • Air
    • Others

What’s happening

  • Honoured Citizen
  • Water meter reading - 2025
  • Slowing down, sharing the road and thinking of others, it feels good!
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Strategic plan