Emerald ash borer

the emerald ash borer

The emerald ash borer (EAB) is one of hundreds of beetles belonging to the Buprestidae family. Although some of these “jewel” beetles are native to Quebec, the EAB is an invasive pest from Asia. Its presence was first confirmed in Rosemère in 2014. By the following year, specimens were found in most of the EAB traps set by the Town. Their population has spread quickly throughout the area and is killing a growing number of ash trees with each successive year. The EAB poses a serious threat to Rosemère’s urban forest, which contains over 10,000 ash trees, approximately 1,800 of which are located along our streets and in our parks, with the remaining 6,000 to 8,000 found on private property. This does not include the ash tree population in the wooded areas in our community. Natural Resources Canada figures put the mortality rate of EAB-infested trees at 98% within five years of initial detection in the surrounding area. It is therefore very important to do everything we can to protect the remaining tree canopy.

Support for managing ash trees on private property

In order to support your efforts to manage your ash trees and take action to preserve our urban forest, the Town has adopted a Policy on the Replacement and Treatment of Private Ash Trees. The policy takes a three-pronged approach: Treat – Plant – Cut Down. The aim of this approach is to slow and control the spread of EAB.

You can curb the spread of EAB using a low-impact insecticide known as TreeAzin®. The current treatment recommendation is to apply TreeAzin two years in a row, take a break the third year, and resume on year four. For a list of service providers, go to bioforest.ca (note that the selected provider must also be on the Town’s list of approved contractors). Financial assistance from the Town is available to property owners to treat their trees. You can download a grant application by clicking on the link from the list on the left. Note, however, that since the infestation in Rosemère is at an advanced stage, very few untreated trees qualify under this program. It applies mostly to trees that have been treated over the past few years and are still healthy.

Residents are encouraged to replant new types of trees to diversify the urban forest. Potted trees are distributed twice a year, and a grant toward the purchase of new trees is available to help residents meet their replanting obligations.

Cut Down

If you have any diseased ash trees on your property, you are responsible for having them felled. A permit is required and can be obtained from the Town free of charge. Do not wait until they become a hazard to remove them. Town by-laws stipulate that ash trees in declining health must be cut down in a timely manner for safety reasons.

The Town has also scheduled extra branch pickup dates between April and November to make it easier for you to dispose of felled trees.

two EAB programs available to you:

  • Financial assistance program to treat resident-owned ash trees
  • Tree distribution program or financial assistance to replace trees lost to EAB
Property owners can apply for assistance under either of the above programs or both. Note, however, that the total annual cap is set at $2,000 per year per property. For the full policy, click on the link under “Downloads” to the left.

Who is eligible for THeSE programS?

  • Financial assistance to treat EAB: All owners of private property in Rosemère where there is at least one healthy ash tree with a diameter of 20 cm or more, measured at 1.4 metres above ground level.

  • Tree distribution and financial assistance to replace EAB-infested trees: All owners of private property in Rosemère to whom a permit to fell an affected tree has been issued and used.


  • The amount of financial assistance will be the equivalent of 50% of the cost of treating the tree, up to $2.50 per centimetre of trunk diameter, as measured 1.4 metres above ground level.

  • The total amount of the financial assistance granted may not exceed $2,000 per year per private property.

  • TreeAzin applications must be carried out between June 15 and August 31.


· Property owners who are issued a tree-felling permit for EAB-infested ash trees may select either replacement option (A or B).

· The Town will either provide a potted tree, the trunk of which has a diameter of approximately 25 millimetres, or financial assistance of no more than $100 toward the purchase of a new tree.

· The number of trees or the total financial assistance granted will vary depending on the number of trees cut down. The calculation is as follows:

1 felled ash tree = 100%, either 1 potted tree or a grant from the Town equivalent to the purchase price of a replacement tree, up to $100
2 to 10 felled ash trees = 50%, either in replacement trees or a grant from the Town*
More than 10 felled ash trees = 40%, either in replacement trees or a grant from the Town *

· The *maximum for either option is 5 replacement trees or 5 grants of up to $100 per year.

To be eligible for financial assistance, residents must purchase one of the trees indicated on the Town’s authorized list. Please refer to this document for more information

Why do you part?

· To protect your property, your household and your fellow residents.

· To prolong the life of part of the ash tree population to be able to plant a sufficient number of replacement trees to ease the overall impact on the ecosystem.

. To preserve the sustainability of our urban forest, which is vital to reducing air pollution, and create “cool islands,” which help mitigate urban temperature extremes.

Eligibility and forms

Please see the list of downloadable documents on the left for more information about program eligibility and to submit the necessary paperwork. 

Tree planting in public spaces

To offset part of the loss of these ash trees along streets and in parks, the Town intends to plant 1,000 trees of varying types over a five-year period. This measure is part of an integrated EAB action plan that will allow the Town to replace 50% of the ash trees felled during the same period and maintain the biodiversity of the urban forest. 


We are always interested in hearing from you. If you have any ideas concerning EAB management, please let us know.

Working together for a healthier urban forest. 

What’s happening

  • Garage Sales
  • Public Market
  • Rosemère in Bloom
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation