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You will find on this page all relevant information and measures taken so far to limit the spread of the virus. Consult the drop-down menus below according to the different categories of information related to the Town and its partners.

Last update March 4, 2022

In an effort to ensure the well-being of its population while complying with the new directives issued by the government, the Town of Rosemère is informing you of the updated measures.

Town Hall and municipal buildings

Town Hall and municipal buildings are now accessible to citizens.


The library is now open on Sundays, according to its usual schedule. 

a limited number of computer stations and work spaces are now accessible at the library. Wearing a mask remains mandatory at all times.

The collections and washrooms will remain accessible.

The maximum capacity of 50 people is maintained in order to respect the two meters distance. 

Online book reservations are suggested to limit waiting time: https://biblio.ville.rosemere.qc.ca/procedures#reservdoc

Outdoor skating rinks

In order to offer Rosemerites the possibility to move more during this time of pandemic, the outdoor skating rinks are accessible (depending on the weather).

To know the schedule and the status of each rink, visit the website: https://www.ville.rosemere.qc.ca/outdoor-skating-rings.../

Return of the grocery delivery service 

Need Support? Please contact us for more information! Rosemerites of 65 years of age and over and anyone else with a special need, we are here for you! If you need a grocery delivery service, it will be our pleasure to assign a volunteer to help you. Contact us at 450-621-3500, ext. 7384.

Return of the ‘’Friendly Call’’ service 

You are feeling lonely? You need to talk? Benefit from the "Friendly Call" service again for people who feel isolated and need to talk. If you would like to benefit from this service, please contact us at 450 621-3500, ext. 7384 and specify that you would like to receive a friendly call.

Mayor's videos

See last updates in Rosemere from Mayor Eric Westram.

Where to go for a walk

To cheer you up and change the scene from the streets in your neighbourhood, see where you can go and stretch your legs along the walking trails to get a breath of fresh air:

  • Forest of Frères du Sacré-Cœur (derrière l’Externant Sacré-Cœur)
  • Miller Marsh
  • Charbonneau Park
  • Gilmour Park
  • Bouthillier Marsh
  • P’tit Train du Nord

Vaccination campaign against covid-19

The vaccination campaign against COVID-19 continues in the Laurentians.

In order to support seniors who do not have access to transportation, the Town of Rosemère has decided to improve its TAXIBUS service and has added the Blainville and Boisbriand vaccination centers to the list of approved destinations.

It is therefore possible to take advantage of the TAXIBUS service to go to the vaccination center to receive your vaccine and then return.

This service is offered at a modest cost of $1 to go / $1 to return, payable to the driver.

In order to use this service, you must follow the steps below:

1) Make your appointment at the Blainville or Boisbriand vaccination center

The TAXIBUS service is offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

You must have an appointment at the Blainville or Boisbriand vaccination center before you can reserve the TAXIBUS.

It is important to note that these are the only two centers currently allowed. It is therefore not possible to use the TAXIBUS for an appointment at another vaccination center.

Appointments for vaccination must be made online: https://www.quebec.ca/sante/problemes-de-sante/a-z/coronavirus-2019/deroulement-vaccination-contre-la-covid-19/#c79378

If you do not have access to a computer or if you are having difficulty making an appointment online, ask your family and friends for help. If needed, assistance can be obtained by calling 1-877-644-4545 (toll free 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday).

2) Make sure you are registered for TAXIBUS service

To take advantage of the TAXIBUS service, you must register with the City of Rosemère's Community Services Department, 450-621-3500, ext. 7380.

Your registration is valid as long as you live at the same address.

3) Reserve your transportation

Transportation reservations are made by phone. It must be done in advance:

- For a Tuesday outing: call before 4:00 p.m. on Friday

- For a Thursday or Friday outing: call by Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.

Call 579-275-0301. Ask for route 222.

Provide your contact information and desired departure and return times.

Also indicate the vaccination center where you have made your appointment :

Blainville Vaccination Centre

1126, boulevard Grande-Allée à Boisbriand, J7G 2T4

Boisbriand Vaccination Centre

610 Curé-Boivin Boulevard, Boisbriand, J7G 2A8

A cab will pick you up at your home to take you to the vaccination center. It is not possible to go to other locations.

Other vaccination sites are available for seniors with their own transportation. A complete list can be found here: https://portal3.clicsante.ca/

If you are concerned about COVID-19 or if you experience symptoms such as cough or fever, the Government of Quebec invites you to contact, toll-free, 1 877 644-4545 or use the self-assessment tool.

Designated clinic in the Laurentians : Please click here to be redirected on the CISSS Laurentides

Gouvernement du Québec: https://www.quebec.ca/sante/problemes-de-sante/a-z/coronavirus-2019/

Gouvernement du Canada: https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/maladies/2019-nouveau-coronavirus.html

Exo Public Transportation Service: https://exo.quebec/fr/covid19

COVID-19: A Self-Care Guide

The Quebec government has developed a self-care guide to help citizens make the best possible decisions for their health and their loved ones during the pandemic. This guide will help you find out the best ways to protect yourself, learn about the basic care to give to those around you, and find out who and when to consult. Download it now from the MSSS Web site. An English version is available. (https://publications.msss.gouv.qc.ca/msss/document-002491/)

**A new reporting form is now available on the Régie de police Thérèse-De Blainville's Web site.

A new reporting form is now available on the Régie de police Thérèse-De Blainville website. Citizens who witness behaviour that does not comply with the rules related to COVID-19 can use it for non-urgent cases. Click here to access the form.  

One of the objectives is to relieve congestion in the 911 service and to lighten the workload of the dispatchers who must respond to the many complaints. A police officer will receive the forms and a follow-up will be done according to priorities. It is possible that interventions will sometimes be done over the phone. Citizens are asked not to call 911 to report a gathering or other non-urgent situations in order to avoid clogging the telephone lines of the 911 emergency centres.

If you witness a serious situation on our territory that requires police intervention, you can go to the RIPTB web page and fill out the form or contact the police at 450 435-2421 ext. 0. 

Awareness and information are the approaches favoured by all police forces in Quebec at the present time. Police officers are present and will continue to intervene, while respecting the powers granted to them in the context of a health emergency.

For more information, visit the RIPTB website.

What’s happening

  • Egg Hunt 2025
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Automated Call Service
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation