The primary objective of this by-law is to ensure citizens that monies allocated to the acquisition of goods and services are spent in keeping with sound administrative principles.
In order to meet its contract management obligations under section 573.3.1.2 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR c C-19), the Town has passed a new by-law that includes measures to:
· Ensure compliance with applicable anti-bid-rigging legislation
· Ensure compliance with the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act (CQLR c T-11.011) and the Code of Conduct of Lobbyists (c T-11.011, r. 2) adopted under this act
intimidation, influence peddling and corruption
conflict of interest situations
Prevent any
other situation likely to compromise the impartiality or objectivity of calls
for tenders or the management of the resulting contracts
Govern the
making of decisions authorizing contract amendments
Govern the
rules for awarding contracts with a value that is below the threshold requiring
a public call for tenders