Contract Management By-Law

The primary objective of this by-law is to ensure citizens that monies allocated to the acquisition of goods and services are spent in keeping with sound administrative principles.

In order to meet its contract management obligations under section 573.3.1.2 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR c C-19), the Town has passed a new by-law that includes measures to:

·        Ensure compliance with applicable anti-bid-rigging legislation

·        Ensure compliance with the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act (CQLR c T-11.011) and the Code of Conduct of Lobbyists (c T-11.011, r. 2) adopted under this act

·        Prevent intimidation, influence peddling and corruption

·        Prevent conflict of interest situations

·        Prevent any other situation likely to compromise the impartiality or objectivity of calls for tenders or the management of the resulting contracts

·        Govern the making of decisions authorizing contract amendments

·        Govern the rules for awarding contracts with a value that is below the threshold requiring a public call for tenders

Promote rotation among suppliers for contracts that may be made by agreement

Article 1: Definitions
Article 2: Objectives
Article 3: Application

  • Types of contracts covered
  • Responsibility for overseeing application
  • By-law regarding the delegation of powers
  • Procurement policy

Article 4: Scope
Article 5: Measures to prevent bid-rigging

  • Tenderer’s declaration
  • Discretion and confidentiality
  • Mandatory reporting of a situation
  • Division of contracts

Article 6: Compliance with the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act

  • Tenderer’s declaration
  • Training and information

Article 7: Prevention of intimidation, influence peddling, and corruption

  • Tenderer’s declaration
  • Prohibition against deriving a benefit

Article 8: Prevention of conflict of interest situations

  • Conflicts of interest
  • Tenderer’s declaration
  • Relationship with the tenderer

Article 9: Partiality and objectivity of the tender and contract process

  • Impartiality
  • Person responsible for providing information to tenderers
  • Site visits by appointment
  • Tenderers’ duty of confidentiality
  • Composition of a selection committee
  • Declaration by selection committee members and secretary

Article 10: Measures to manage contract amendments

  • Preventive measures
  • Incidental contract amendments

Article 11: Rules for awarding contracts

  • General provisions
  • Measures for promoting rotation among suppliers
  • Buying from local suppliers
  • Buying from Quebec suppliers

Article 12: Employees’ declaration of interests
Article 13: Fines for non-compliance with the by-law

  • Fines for Town officers and employees
  • Fines for consultants/mandatories
  • Fines for tenderers
  • Fines for selection committee members

Article 14: Performance assessment
Article 15: Person responsible for managing complaints
Article 16: Transitional provisions
Article 17: Effective date

What’s happening

  • Garage Sales
  • Public Market
  • Rosemère in Bloom
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation