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March 21 2024

Comité de bienveillance of the Town of Rosemère

Volunteers needed for the Caring Committee 

Since its inception in 2019, the Caring Committee has been able to carry out two major projects: the Wheel of Kindness and the creation of a poetic and commemorative garden at Hamilton House Gardens.

Other projects are in the pipeline, including the organization of a tribute event for Rosemerites who have passed away in recent years.

Our committee is looking for volunteers; affable people who share our values and enjoy working as a team on projects designed to give concrete expression to the caring spirit that drives us.

If you'd like to join the committee, write to us at bienveillance.rosemere@gmail.com.

Rosemère writers: get writing!

With the help of the Ville de Rosemère, the Comité de Bienveillance officially created and inaugurated the Jardin poétique et commémoratif in the Hamilton Garden in 2022.

This natural space, dedicated to memory and contemplation, features seven panels inscribed with poems or excerpts from texts by famous authors from Quebec and elsewhere.

This year, we'll be replacing these panels. That's why we're asking Rosemère writers to send us their text (written in French or English), by April 22, as a royalty-free PDF file, to bienveillance.rosemere@gmail.com.

You can choose from the following themes: comfort, sharing or hope.

Once we've received your submissions, we'll take a poll to make our selection.

What’s happening

  • Honoured Citizen
  • Water meter reading - 2025
  • Slowing down, sharing the road and thinking of others, it feels good!
  • Adoption of the Memorandum
  • Strategic plan