Civic Recognition

The Town of Rosemère is committed to celebrating the achievements of people in our community who have excelled in a given field. This acknowledgement can take one of two forms.


We use various communication channels to shine the spotlight on noteworthy athletic, academic or other achievements over the past year. Residents who have received an honour or an award from a recognized or official organization or a sports federation can submit the relevant details for consideration. If selected, they may be featured on one or more of the Town’s platforms or even asked to sign Rosemère’s Golden Book. 

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We also pay tribute to people and organizations who have had a significant impact on our community, as well as those who have risen to a high level of acclaim in the areas of culture, the environment, youth, science and technology, community service, humanitarian engagement, business, sport and education, etc. Honourees may be selected posthumously. Nominations are reviewed by a panel of judges. These awards are the highest recognition given by the Town of Rosemère. Those who receive an Honoured Citizen Award will be asked to sign the Town’s Golden Book at the ceremony. 

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What’s happening

  • Garage Sales
  • Public Market
  • Rosemère in Bloom
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation