Citizen participation process for the new urban vision

Information meeting on the preliminary draft of the Urban Plan

The Town of Rosemère held a virtual information evening on March 24 to present the exhaustive process that led to the tabling of the preliminary draft of the Urban Plan in January 2021, which came about as a result of some 15 public consultation activities.

More than 300 citizens were able to discuss their vision of Rosemère’s future with Town representatives, including experts in land use planning and citizen participation from the firm Provencher-Roy, who have assisted the municipal administration since the beginning of this vast project in 2018.

The issue of the former golf course was certainly the subject of the greatest number of citizen interventions. The Mayor of Rosemère reassured residents that Council is firmly committed to consulting them before any regulatory changes are made: “As long as I am Mayor, nothing, absolutely nothing, will be done without social acceptability. And nothing will be done in haste. The land is not for sale and does not belong to the Town of Rosemère, so I hope that the owner has clearly understood the questions raised by residents this evening, because any project will be subject to social acceptability.“

To view the full recording of the meeting, including all presentations and the question period: ou

To view the presentations separately:


  1. Citizens involvement:

  2. Legal concepts and regulatory framework:

  3. Value at expropriation of the former golf course:

  4. Fiscal impacts:

On this page, you will find all the information on the Rosemère former golf course dossier resulting from the vast public consultation session held from 2018 to 2020:

Legal principles guiding an acquisition by the way of expropriation of the Former golf course

To consult the document, click here.

To consult the letter from chartered appraiser, click here.

Letter to citizens: vision of the development of the former golf course in line with our environmental values

To consult the letter, click here (English on p.2).

Mayor's Statement on the former Golf Course to Town Council on August 17, 2020

To consult the Mayor's statement, click here (French only).

Public consultation report and town council's position paper (Urbanistic vision)

Following the public consultations held on February 19 and 22, the Town of Rosemère released the public consultations report prepared by Provencher-Roy, a specialized firm that is assisting the Town of Rosemère in this important process.

Further to the release of this report, Town Council presented its position paper on all of the public consultations held over the past two years regarding Rosemère's urbanistic vision to make the Town proud, green and prosperous. This position is in line with the aspirations of residents, as expressed at some ten public consultation sessions since 2018, at which nearly 1,700 respondents expressed their views.


Today, following the public consultations held on February 19 and 22, the Town of Rosemère released the public consultations report prepared by Provencher-Roy, a specialized firm that is assisting the Town of Rosemère in this important process.

Further to the release of this report, Town Council is now presenting its position paper on all of the public consultations held over the past two years regarding Rosemère's urbanistic vision to make the Town proud, green and prosperous. This position is in line with the aspirations of residents, as expressed at some ten public consultation sessions since 2018, at which nearly 1,700 respondents expressed their views.

Public consultations on urbanistic vision (February 2020)

On February 19 and 22, residents were invited to take part in a new phase of public consultations on Rosemère's urbanistic vision. Since its launch in 2018, this unprecedented resident participation initiative in Rosemère has provided an opportunity to consult all of the parties concerned in the Town: residents, community organizations, business people and landowners.

A participant's workbook to prepare to these activities was distributed at the beginning of February by Postes Canada to all citizens. Click here to consult the workbook.

A report on the findings of these consultations will be published shortly via the Town’s communication platforms. Following this, the drafting of the new urban plan will kick off in order to provide access to a tool that will outline a comprehensive land-use planning vision based on the various issues currently at stake and key themes such as sustainable development, mobility and climate change.


As part of our strategic reflection about the future of our community - Rosemère a proud, green and prosperous city - we are presenting the results of the survey conducted in last June, in which the Town presented the current state of its infrastructure and equipment and to gather your opinion on your level of satisfaction and your willingness to invest in them.

Click here to read the full report.

Rosemère, a proud, green and prosperous town (February - May 2019)

The Town of Rosemère is proud to publish the report on the public consultation held on the development of its vision for the future: "Rosemère, a proud, green and prosperous town".

Last spring, the Town of Rosemère initiated a participatory process (survey, public consultation, meetings, etc.) so that Rosemère residents could express their opinions on the statement of its new strategic vision, "Rosemère, a proud, green and prosperous town", and its impact on the sectors of urban planning, infrastructure/equipment and services to residents.

Consult the Public Consultation Report


Through on online survey, May 10-27, Rosemerites were asked to express their views on various issues related to the upcoming legalization of marijuana by the federal government. This survey will help the Town gauge residents’ concerns and determine their social acceptance of this issue.

"This civic participation process is a necessary step in the upcoming implementation of the new bylaw, so as to give residents an opportunity to express their opinions on this matter and to provide us with food for thought in this regard. Of course, this process will be carried out in harmony with our approach of proximity and transparency with our residents, in order to develop a bylaw that meets the needs identified by the population in the survey," explained Rosemère Mayor Eric Westram.

As for the legalization of marijuana, the Town wants to mention, as a reminder, that this decision does not come under municipal jurisdiction. "The bylaw will regulate consumption on our Town’s territory, but is not intended to determine its legalization; that decision comes under the jurisdiction of the federal government. The online survey is therefore not a forum for debate on the legalization of marijuana, but rather a means of helping us establish our own bylaw in the proper way, according to residents’ wishes," added the Mayor in his closing remarks.

Following this survey, the Town will make the findings of the survey public and will then proceed with drafting the bylaw in order to submit and adopt it this summer.

The Town of Rosemère would moreover like to thank the Town of Saint-Jérôme for its collaboration in the development of the survey questionnaire.


May, 2018

  • At the meeting of May 14, 2018, the municipal council adopted the Citizen Participation Policy. Click here to read the Policy.

September, 2017

  • September 19 – Tabling, by the Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM), of the report on the consultation leading to the development of the citizen participation policy. The report is available on the left-side of this page.

  • September 19 – Meeting of the committee entrusted with the validation/enhancement of the policy project – a committee consisting of six citizens, one representative of the business community and two municipal employees. The six citizens on the committee were selected by random draw from the ranks of those who expressed an interest in sitting on the committee and are representative of the Rosemère population.

August, 2017

  • August 16-23 – Telephone survey developed by a specialized firm and administered to a representative sampling (301 residents) of Rosemère’s adult population between August 16 and 23, 2017.
  • August 19 – iPad survey administered to young families at Rosemère’s Citizens Day.

July, 2017

  • July 17 – Meeting with employees of the Town of Rosemère
  • July 17 – Meeting with elected officials of the Town of Rosemère

June, 2017

  • June 8 and 13 – Three citizen coffee klatches (seniors, youths and general public)
  • June 28 – Consultation meeting with targeted stakeholders (business and community sectors)
  • May 31 to June 22 – Opinion survey on the Town’s website

May, 2017

  • May 30 – Public unveiling of the process and an informative document

What’s happening

  • Garage Sales
  • Public Market
  • Rosemère in Bloom
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation