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Municipal by-laws are subject to change.

The by-laws are deposited at the town clerk of the municipality, where any interested citizen may consult them during office hours at the Town Hall.

In order to offer a calm and serene environment, the Town of Rosemère adopted an amendment to its Bylaw on quality of life, more specifically with regard to the hours of work permitted on the weekends.

From now on, the hours allowed for work to be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. This Bylaw refers to such work as the use of electrical equipment, maintenance equipment for landscaping (a lawnmower, for example) and construction equipment.

It should be remembered that the work schedule on weekdays remains the same: Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Before undertaking construction or renovation work, obtain a permit from the Urban Planning Department. Information pamphlets on municipal standards relating to sheds, fences, pools, etc. are available at the Town Hall or by clicking on Permit and certificate applications.

Pollarding trees is forbidden. An authorization certificate must be obtained from the Public Works Department prior to cutting down a tree. If the request is justified, this certificate is issued within seven working days from the application.

Branches are picked up by the Town twice a year. Only one pick-up per street in each period: at spring starting in May and at fall starting in October. Check your municipal calendar (in the downloadable documents, "Calendar" section) for exact dates, or call the Public Works Department, at 450 621-3500 ext. 3300. Branches should be placed by the roadside before these dates. Outside these periods, residents can bring their branches to the Ecocentre themselves. This rule does not apply to vacant lots and those under construction.

Patios are authorized only in secondary front yards side yards and backyards.

The total surface area of accessory buildings and structures must not exceed 20% of the lot’s surface area. Accessory buildings and structures included in this percentage are: detached garages, sheds, pools, porches, balconies, hot tubs, sidewalk around the pool, gazebos, pergolas, arbours and private greenhouses (does not include walkways, driveways and the walkway at the building’s entrance).


Patios are authorized, as accessory structures, in all "Housing (H)" usage classes.

Maximum surface area

Patios made of concrete, wood or other materials must occupy less than 10% of the lot’s surface area.


A patio’s side and rear setbacks is established at a minimum of 1 metre.The minimum required side setback does not apply to shared properties for duplexes, row housing, and/or comprehensive developments. A patio built in a secondary front yard must be positioned 2 metres from the property line of the secondary front yard.

For safety reasons, chimneys must be swept at least once a year, at your own expense.

Air conditioning units and heat pumps are authorized in secondary front yards, side yards and backyards only.

The level of noise emitted by a heat pump, air conditioning unit or pool filter must not exceed 50 dBA at the property line.


An air conditioning unit and a heat pump are authorized, as accessory equipment, in all "Housing (H)" usage classes.


The rear setback must be at least 6 metres and the side setback at least 3  metres. Installation is also permitted in the secondary front yard, provided it complies with a minimum set back of 3 metres from the easement and 6 metres from the back property line. In the case of row housing or attached or semi-detached housing, the side setback established is at 2 metres.

Without limiting the measures contained in the previous paragraph, the air conditioning unit or heat pump installed in the side yard or secondary front yard must be concealed by a protective screen such as an opaque fence, thick hedge or other form of vegetation ensuring that the equipment is not visible from the street.